
Community Safety and Well-Being for Huron Website Launch
Posted on Monday, June 24, 2024 02:16 PM
Community Safety and Well-Being for Huron Website Launch
HURON COUNTY, ON (June 24, 2024) – The Community Safety and Well-Being for Huron’s website is live. The website highlights the four priority areas outlined in the Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan for Huron as required by the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 as well as local supports identified in relation to the priority areas.
All nine lower-tier municipalities in Huron County have collaborated across different sectors with...

North Huron Celebrates Recreation and Parks Month
Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2024 02:39 PM
North Huron Celebrates Recreation and Parks Month
NORTH HURON, ON (June 4, 2024) – Each June, communities across Ontario celebrate June as Recreation and Parks Month (JRPM). JRPM is recognized by municipalities, community organizations, and schools as a way of promoting the benefits of being active and recognizing the contribution that recreation and parks make to improve quality of life.
Access to parks and recreation is a fundamental human need that helps foster personal health, strong...

Statement of Condolences on the Passing of Alice Munro
Posted on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 03:49 PM
Reeve Heffer’s Statement of Condolences on the Passing of Alice Munro
NORTH HURON, ON (May 14, 2024) – On behalf of the Township of North Huron, we are deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Nobel laureate Alice Munro. Alice was highly regarded in her hometown of Wingham and has had an immense impact on our community. Her deep roots in our Township are woven into the fabric of North Huron with tributes in the community such as the Alice Munro Literary Garden and the Alice Munro Public...

North Huron Appoints Interim Fire Chief and Interim Deputy Fire Chief
Posted on Friday, March 08, 2024 02:28 PM
North Huron Appoints Interim Fire Chief and Interim Deputy Fire Chief
NORTH HURON, ON (March 8, 2024) – The Township of North Huron is pleased to announce that Chad Kregar has been appointed as the Interim Fire Chief effective March 4, 2024.
In addition to Kregar’s experience currently supporting Huron County as the Emergency Management Coordinator, Kregar’s knowledge, skills, and leadership as it relates to fire prevention and public safety have been valued through his contributions as a North...
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