Paul Heffer, Reeve
Phone: (519) 357-6075
Paul Heffer was elected as the Reeve for the Township of North Huron during the 2022 municipal election. Reeve Heffer brings previous experience as a Member of Council as he was elected as a Councillor for the Wingham Ward for the 2018-2022 term of Council. As the Reeve of North Huron, Reeve Heffer also serves as a County of Huron Councillor.
During the 2022-2026 term of Council, Reeve Heffer has been appointed to a number of North Huron Boards and Committees including the Committee of Adjustment, and the Property Standards Committee.
Reeve Heffer is also the North Huron Council Representative on various Committees throughout the community. These include: the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee for the Central Grouping, and the Westario Power Inc. Board on behalf of North Huron.
Kevin Falconer, Deputy Reeve
Phone: (519) 955-0301
Kevin Falconer was acclaimed as a Blyth Ward Councillor during the 2022 municipal election. At the Inaugural Meeting of Council, he was elected as the Deputy Reeve for the Township of North Huron by the sitting members of Council. Deputy Reeve Falconer previously served as a Councillor for the Blyth Ward from 2018-2022. As the Deputy Reeve of North Huron, Deputy Reeve Falconer also serves as an alternate County of Huron Councillor.
During the 2022-2026 term of Council, Deputy Reeve Falconer has been appointed to a number of North Huron Boards and Committees including the Committee of Adjustment, Court of Revision, and the Property Standards Committee.
Deputy Reeve Falconer is also the North Huron Council Representative on various Committees throughout the community. These include: the Blyth-Hullett Landfill Site Board, and the Blyth Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board.
Ric McBurney, Councillor - Blyth Ward
Phone: (519) 441-7415
Ric McBurney was acclaimed as a Blyth Ward Councillor during the 2022 municipal election. Councillor McBurney previously served as a Councillor for the Blyth Ward during the 2018-2022 term of Council.
During the 2022-2026 term of Council, Councillor McBurney has been appointed to a number of North Huron Boards and Committees including the Committee of Adjustment, and the Property Standards Committee.
Councillor McBurney is also the North Huron Council Representative on various Committees throughout the community. These include: the Coalition for Huron Injury Prevention (CHIP), the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Advisory/Oversight Committee, and the Blyth-Hullett Landfill Site Board.
Chris Palmer, Councillor - East Wawanosh Ward
Phone: (519) 357-3385
Chris Palmer was elected as an East Wawanosh Ward Councillor during the 2022 municipal election. Councillor Palmer previously served as a Councillor for the East Wawanosh Ward during the 2018-2022 term of Council.
During the 2022-2026 term of Council, Councillor Palmer has been appointed to a number of North Huron Boards and Committees including the Committee of Adjustment, Court of Revision, and the Property Standards Committee.
Councillor Palmer is also the North Huron Council Representative on various Committees throughout the community. These include: the Huron County Water Protection Steering Committee, the Wingham Columbus Centre Joint Committee, and the Wingham Landfill Site Board.
Anita van Hittersum, Councillor - East Wawanosh Ward
Phone: (519) 523-4492
Anita van Hittersum was elected as an East Wawanosh Ward Councillor during the 2022 municipal election. Councillor van Hittersum previously served as a Councillor for the East Wawanosh Ward during the 2018-2022 term of Council.
During the 2022-2026 term of Council, Councillor van Hittersum has been appointed to a number of North Huron Boards and Committees including the Committee of Adjustment, Court of Revision, and the Property Standards Committee.
Councillor van Hittersum is also the North Huron Council Representative on various Committees throughout the community. These include: the North Perth-North Huron Family Health Team Board, the Wingham & Area Health Professionals Recruitment Committee, and the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Board.
Lonnie Whitfield, Councillor - Wingham Ward
Phone: (226) 222-2585
Lonnie Whitfield was elected as a first-term Councillor for the Wingham Ward during the 2022 municipal election.
During the 2022-2026 term of Council, Councillor Whitfield has been appointed to a number of North Huron Boards and Committees including the Committee of Adjustment, the Property Standards Committee, and as the alternate for the Court of Revision.
Councillor Whitfield is also the North Huron Council Representative on various Committees throughout the community. These include: the Huron County Sustainable Huron Committee, and the Wingham Landfill Site Board.
Mitch Wright, Councillor - Wingham Ward
Phone: (519) 357-9497
Mitch Wright was elected as a first-term Councillor for the Wingham Ward during the 2022 municipal election.
During the 2022-2026 term of Council, Councillor Wright has been appointed to a number of North Huron Boards and Committees including the Committee of Adjustment, and the Property Standards Committee.
Councillor Wright is also the North Huron Council Representative on various Committees throughout the community. These include: the Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story Committee, the Wingham Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board, and the Wingham Landfill Site Board.
Contact Us
North Huron Municipal Office
F. 519-357-1110 | T. 519-357-3550 ext. 0
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Stephanie Reibel
Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator
274 Josephine Street.
Wingham, On.
N0G 2W0
T. 519-357-3550 ext.121
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