The Township of North Huron strives to make the community that we live in safe, healthy and enjoyable for everyone. By-laws are created to regulate and address issues and concerns of the community. By-laws protect the environment, public health, safety and maintain a pleasant community for everyone.
A by-law is a law passed by a municipality. By-laws must be founded on statutory authority, delegated to the municipality by the Province. A by-law is intended to bind not only the Council of the municipality, but also the officers and servants of the municipality and the public.
For questions regarding any of the Township of North Huron’s by-laws, please contact the Clerk’s Department at 519-357-3550.
Frequently Requested By-laws and Policies
For convenience, many of the most frequently used by-laws are consolidated. In a consolidated by-law, the original by-law (or "parent" bylaw) is updated to include all of the amendments to that by-law. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information; however, it is not to be used in place of original by-laws. For accurate reference, certified copies of the official by-laws and documents are available through the Clerk's Department.
We are currently in the process of working to provide our frequently requested by-laws in a convenient, accessible format online. As these by-laws are made accessible, they will be added below.
If you require a by-law not currently listed under our frequently requested by-laws or if you require information in an alternative format, please contact the Clerk’s Department at 519-357-3550.
Frequently Requested By-laws |
Being a By-law of the Township of North Huron for licensing, regulating, and requiring registration of Dogs and Kennels; for imposing a License fee on Owners; and for prohibiting or regulating the running at large of Dogs within the Township of North Huron. |
Appointment of Members to Boards and Committees By-law Being a by-law to appoint persons, including Council Members, to various Boards, Committees and Authorities for the Township of North Huron for the 2022-2026 Term of Council. |
A by-law for the rules and regulations for the care and control of North Huron Cemeteries.
Clean Yards By-law (Consolidated) A by-law respecting litter, yard waste and property maintenance for the Township of North Huron. |
Council Remuneration and Expenses By-law A by-law to establish remuneration rates and expense reimbursement limits for Members of Council for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Being a by-law to establish development charges for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Emergency Management Program and Emergency Response Plan Being a by-law to adopt an Emergency Management Program and Emergency Response Plan for the Township of North Huron and to meet other requirements under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. |
A by-law to regulate the display and discharge of fireworks. |
Fees and Charges By-law for 2025 (Consolidated) Being a by-law to establish fees and charges for the Township of North Huron. |
Food Trucks on Municipal Property Licensing By-law Being a by-law to license, regulate and govern the operation of food trucks on municipal property within the Township of North Huron. |
A by-law to provide for the regulation and prohibition of unusual noises or noises likely to disturb the public and/or the prevention of public nuisances. |
A by-law to permit and regulate the operation of off-road vehicles on municipal highways within the Township of North Huron. |
Official Plan (Consolidated) A by-law to adopt the official plan for the Township of North Huron. |
Being a by-law to regulate open air burning including the prevention of the spreading of fires. |
Being a by-law to encourage pre-consultation before submission of applications for Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendments. |
Procedure By-law (Consolidated) Being a by-law to govern the proceedings of Council and Committee meetings. |
Being a by-law to prescribe the standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the municipality |
Retail Business Establishment Holiday Openings By-law A by-law to permit retail business establishments to be open on certain holidays in the Township of North Huron for the maintenance and development of tourism. |
Sale and Disposition of Land By-law A by-law to establish a policy and procedures for the sale and disposition of land owned by the Township of North Huron. |
A by-law to Designate a Site Plan Control Area and to Adopt Rules for the Processing of Site Plan Control Development Applications. |
A by-law to provide for the proper separation, storage, placement for pick-up, collection and disposal of all types of solid waste resources in the Township of North Huron. |
Zoning By-law (Consolidated) Being a by-law to adopt a comprehensive zoning by-law for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Frequently Requested Policies |
Acceptance of Donations and Fundraising Campaigns Policy A by-law to adopt an Acceptance of Donations and Fundraising Campaigns Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Cannabis Policy Statement By-law A by-law to adopt a Cannabis Policy Statement for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Code of Conduct Policy for Members of Council and Local Boards A by-law to adopt a Code of Conduct Policy for Members of Council and Local Boards. |
Commemorative Tree and Bench Policy A by-law to adopt a Commemorative Tree and Bench Policy for the Township of North Huron. |
A by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign, on behalf of Council, a Committee Appointment Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Being a by-law to adopt a Complaint Handling Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Council and Staff Relationship Policy A by-law to adopt a Council and Staff Relationship Policy. |
Council Member Pregnancy and Parental Leave Policy A by-law to adopt a Council Member Pregnancy and Parental Leave Policy. |
Cross Border Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Policy A by-law to adopt a Cross Border Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Policy for the Township of North Huron. |
Customer Service Standards Policy Being a by-law to adopt a Customer Service Standards Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Being a by-law to adopt a Document Commissioning Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Donations and Fee Waiving Policy Being a by-law to adopt a Donations and Fee Waiving Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Being a by-law to adopt a North Huron Flag Protocol Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. Being a by-law to adopt a Ice In/Ice Out Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Indigenous Land Acknowledgement A by-law to adopt an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy Being a by-law to adopt an Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Privacy and Protection of Personal Information Policy A by-law to adopt a Privacy and Protection of Personal Information Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
A by-law to adopt a Refund Policy for the Township of North Huron. |
Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination of Records Policy A by-law to adopt a Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination of Records Policy for the Corporation of the Township of North Huron. |
Strategic Asset Management Policy A by-law to adopt a Strategic Asset Management Policy for the Township of North Huron. |
A by-law to adopt a Street Naming Policy for the Township of North Huron. |
Wingham Town Hall Theatre Rental Policy A by-law to adopt a Wingham Town Hall Theatre Rental Policy for the Township of North Huron. |
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