To improve the planning application process for application submissions, the Council of the Township of North Huron adopted a Pre-Consultation By-law in 2024.
The pre-consultation process is designed to help promote the exchange of information and development considerations early in the planning process. The process provides the opportunity for applicants to receive initial feedback on the proposal from staff and agencies, and to confirm which planning applications are required. A key outcome of this process is a customized list of the studies and plans required in support of a development project. Topics for discussion may include land use policies and guidelines, zoning information, public consultation, transportation and engineering requirements, development review, application fees, and other issues.
A pre-consultation meeting with the Planner is voluntary prior to the submission of a planning application in North Huron. While pre-consultation is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged prior to the submission of planning applications in North Huron.As a part of the pre-consultation process, an applicant will provide the Township of North Huron with the following prior to the pre-consultation meeting:
- A written summary of the applicant's proposal, including a brief description of the site and proposed development, the site details, owner and applicant's name and contact information; and
- For complex applications, provide a conceptual drawing, site plan concept plan or elevation drawings, if available.
The Township may suggest more than one pre-consultation meeting if the application is complex or requires further discussion with the North Huron Development Team or more information or materials from the applicant before submission of the planning application(s).
To request a pre-consultation meeting, please contact the staff listed on this webpage.
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