Date: May 31, 2021
For Immediate Release
Flags at Half-Mast in memory of Kamloops Residential School Victims
The Township joins other Canadian communities in honouring the 215 children whose lives were taken at the former Kamloops residential school and all Indigenous children who never made it home, the survivors, and their families.
All flags located on Township of North Huron properties will be flown at half-mast beginning today for 215 hours—one hour for each child whose death was undocumented at the Kamloops Residential School.
“Today and over the next nine days, the Township of North Huron will fly our flags at half-mast to acknowledge and pay our respects to the 215 children, their families and all other children who were part of the residential school system. This recent discovery is a devastating reminder of the horrendous treatment that the Canadian residential school system inflicted on Indigenous peoples. Much more remains to be done as a community, and as a country to move towards reconciliation,” said Reeve Bernie Bailey.
A National Indigenous Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for former students and those impacted. Emotional and crisis referral services can be accessed by calling the 24-hour national crisis line: 1-866 925-4419.
For more information on this, please contact Carson Lamb, Clerk, at (519) 357-3550 or by email clamb@northhuron.ca.
Media Spokesperson: Bernie Bailey, Reeve bbailey@northhuron.ca
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