DATE OF ISSUE: July 14, 2021
Groundwater model video shows how our aquifers work
Many of us get our drinking water from an aquifer source. What does an aquifer look like? What is it and how does it work? What can contaminate it? The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Committee (SPC) has released its sixth video, in a recent series, to help provide answers to these questions.
Video host Jennette Walker, of Zurich, is an environment sector representative on the SPC. By using a groundwater model and colourful dyes she illustrates how aquifers work to provide us with drinking water. She also describes some of the common activities in our area that can cause contamination if not properly managed. These activities can include leaking underground fuel tanks, improperly applied manure and fertilizer, septic systems that aren’t regularly inspected, and abandoned wells or wells that are not properly sealed.
The new video is available at this link: https://youtu.be/YNvzVbatIl8
There have been more than 13,500 views of the first five videos in the series featuring representatives of the SPC. For all six videos in the series, visit the local source protection website at sourcewaterinfo.on.ca and click on the ‘video’ tab of to get to this page: https://www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca/news/videos/
The committee asks you to make sure to check out videos from all of these local drinking water source protection influencers:
– Matt Pearson, Chair – Introduction to Source Protection Videos
– Alyssa Keller, Public-at-Large – Seaforth well and water tower tour
– Rowland Howe, Industry – Protecting water at the Goderich Port
– John Graham, Environment – Goderich water treatment plant tour
– Dave Frayne, Municipal – Drinking Water Protection Zone Signs
– Jennette Walker, Environment – Protecting Groundwater in Our Aquifers
Matt Pearson, Chair of the SPC, said he is thrilled with the huge response the videos have had from the public. “When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we had to think of another way to reach the people we represent,” he said. “Our committee members stepped up to the plate and offered their expertise to do videos that gave a behind-the-scenes look at many aspects of protecting our sources of drinking water in this region.”
The committee plans to release more videos in the next few months.
The new groundwater video, and the previous five videos in the series, are on the Ausable Bayfield YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAusable
The videos are also on Facebook.
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Mary Lynn MacDonald, Program Co-Supervisor, Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region, mmacdonald@abca.ca or phone 519-235-2610, ext. 247.
Donna Clarkson, Program Co-Supervisor, dclarkson@abca.ca 519-335-3557, ext. 224.
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