Glen McNeil, Warden 519.524.8394 x3224 warden@huroncounty.ca
County of Huron forests see benefits from 75 years of forest conservation programs.
Huron County, Ontario –The County of Huron’s 75th annual Forest Conservation Update report provides an overview of the conservation actions and passive recreation that happened for County-owned Forests in 2021.
The County of Huron owns and maintains 14 forest tracts consisting of more than 1600 acres. These forests are a legacy of the reforestation efforts undertaken by the Province of Ontario and Southern Ontario municipalities that began in the early 1930s. Today, these forests provide valuable sources of environmental protection, education, and recreation.
“Our Huron County Forests are important environmental resources and valuable assets for passive recreation in our community.” said Huron County Warden Glen McNeil. “Over the past two years, these forests have provided safe spaces for Huron residents to maintain their personal health and wellness during times of isolation. Continued sustainable management of our forests remains a priority for the County of Huron.”
Highlights of the 2021 Annual Forest Conservation Update report include:
Passive Recreation
Since the onset of COVID-19, passive recreational use of the County’s Forest Tracts has increased. In response, County Forestry Management and Public Works staff have worked to ensure trails were maintained and parking areas were created or expanded Page 2 of 2 to accommodate the additional demand. Nine of the fourteen properties are now showcased in the Huron County Hiking Guide and improvements continue overall.
Huron Clean Water Project Funding for Good Forestry Practices
The Huron Clean Water Project continues to provide funding to forest owners in Huron County to retain independent forestry consultants to help apply “Good Forestry Practices” to their woodlands. The County continues to see over one-third of Huron County woodland owners benefitting from the use of independent forestry consultants to help navigate increasingly volatile timber markets and to ensure sustained income and enjoyment from their woodlands.
Woodlot protection through Huron County Forest Conservation By-Laws
Protection from clear cutting and encouraging sustainable harvests of existing woodlots and woodlands continues to be guided by the Huron County Forest Conservation By-law which was first implemented 75 years ago, in 1947. This by-law helps to protect and improve the County’s forest, soil, fish, water, and wildlife resources.
Learn more about County-owned Forests and programming: County of Huron Forestry Services Read the full report: 2021 Forest Conservation Update.
The County of Huron asks the community to continue respecting all public health guidelines in response to COVID-19. Stay informed on the COVID-19 situation in Huron County by visiting www.HPPH.ca
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