North Huron Unveils New Council Chambers
NORTH HURON, ON (January 15, 2024) – The Township of North Huron will hold its first Regular Council meeting of 2024 this evening in the new North Huron Council Chambers.
The North Huron Council Chambers is located within the Royal Oaks Health & Wellness Centre Building at 271 Frances Street, Wingham. The move to the new location improves accessibility and functionality.
“I am pleased to welcome the community into the new North Huron Council Chambers,” said Reeve Heffer. “This is an important space for community gathering and decision making. Moving the Chambers to this space not only removes physical barriers, but also demonstrates North Huron’s commitment by providing different means and methods to allow residents to actively participate in the democratic process. The new Council Chambers is a welcoming and accommodating space for all.”
Regular Council Meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month. If the Monday falls on a holiday, the meeting is held on Tuesday. Meetings begin at 6:00pm and will be held in the North Huron Council Chambers, unless an alternative location is authorized by a resolution of Council.
Patrons who wish to attend Council meetings in person should park in Parking Lot “B” and enter the building through the accessible entrance labelled as Door “1”. Those who wish to view the meetings virtually can still view the meetings live on the Township of North Huron’s YouTube channel.
To view the 2024 Regular Council schedule for North Huron meetings, visit
To view North Huron Council meeting agendas and minutes, visit https://www.northhuron.ca/en/municipal-government/agendas-minutes.aspx
To view the North Huron Council meetings live online, visit https://www.youtube.com/@TownshipofNorthHuron
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