Mandatory septic inspection changes have been made to the Ontario Building Code through Ontario Regulation 315/10. These changes require mandatory “on-site sewage system” (septic system) inspections. These amendments support the Ontario Clean Water Act, 2006.
How do I know if my septic system needs to be inspected?
Septic system inspections will take place if you are in a wellhead protection area, you have a septic system and you are located within 100 metres of a municipal well, or you are in the most vulnerable part of the municipal well's two-year time-of-travel area, your septic system may be assessed as a significant threat to municipal drinking water sources. If so, your septic will need to be inspected through a program that began in the spring of 2015.
When do I need to get my septic system inspected?
Property owners will need to have their septic systems inspected every three to five years. This change to the Ontario Building Code gives public officials the responsibility for ensuring this is happening as well as the ability to take action if this is not the case. The inspectors of your septic system will be from the building department.
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