Property Assessments are determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).
MPAC performs a province wide valuation of property approximately every four (4) years. The last four (4) year cycle was 2017-2020. Property owners will receive a notice from MPAC stating the assessment value of their property over a period of four (4) years. These amounts are used by the Township of North Huron to calculate taxes.
As part of the Ontario Government's Economic and Fiscal Update, Minister of Finance, announced the Province's decision to postpone the 2020 Assessment Update.
The notice will provide login information for “About My Property” which will allow you to view the details of your assessment.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the notice, About My Property or your assessment in general, please contact MPAC.
Helpful Videos
- How MPAC Assesses Property
- The Request for Reconsideration Process
- Understanding Phase In
- How MPAC Assesses Farm Property
Farm Land Classed as Residential
Residents with Farm land that has been classed as Residential will need to contact Agricorp to apply for the Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program. Once approved, the information will be sent to MPAC for a change in the assessment class. When MPAC has completed the change, the information will be provided to the Municipality for an adjustment to the property tax account.
Assessment Adjustments Applications
Section 357 and 358
Section 357 and 358 Application allows for the reduction, refund or cancellation of the taxes. Applications may be submitted for the following reasons
- Ceased to be liable to be taxed at rate it was taxed
- Became exempt
- Razed by Fire, Demolition or Otherwise
- Damaged and Substantially unusable
- Sickness or Extreme poverty
- Gross or manifest clerical/factual error
- Repair/Renovations preventing normal use
This form must be submitted to the Township of North Huron by February 28th of the year following the year for which the application is made.
Applications are accepted by mail or in person to the
Township of North Huron C/o Finance Department
Box 90, 274 Josephine St. Wingham, ON. N0G 2W0
Application for Adjustment of Taxes
Once MPAC has completed the re-assessment, the Municipality is provided with the documentation of the changes. As per the Municipal Act, notification is sent to the property owner of the revised assessment and the reduction of the taxes billed will be calculated. This revised assessment and reduction of taxes is subject to Council approval and the owner will have the opportunity to attend the Council meeting to speak to the revision if they so choose. Once approved adjustments will be made the property tax account and the owner will be eligible for a refund or the credit will remain on the account.
Applicants will be notified of the date and time for Council Meetings for approval of Section 357 and 358 adjustments.
Vacancy Rebate Program
The Vacancy Rebate Program for Commercial and Industrial properties with vacant units has been eliminated. The Township of North Huron will no longer accept applications.
Contact Us
North Huron Municipal Office
F. 519-357-1110 | T. 519-357-3550 ext. 0
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